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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist

One More Time For The Marks In The Back

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

Hello again, wrestling fans. Sorry I have not had something lately! As you may already know, my son Lukas Anthony Dagner-Cox was born on September 3rd. It has been a very crazy past week or so for me! Of course, I still do what I can to being your my latest thoughts on what is going on in the pro wrestling world! I also wanted to thank all of my readers who have reached out with the love and congratulations, I appreciate all of it!

In case you were unaware, we as wrestling fans can be some of the shittiest types of fans out there. While we aren’t as bad as say, Philadelphia Eagles fans (to my Philly readers you know it’s all love and jokes!), we can be some of the worst when it comes to fandom. Some of us will hijack shows and make senseless chants just do it can get some buzz on TV and by wrestling websites like this one. Some of us will go into wrestling groups on Facebook like World Wrestling Junkies (shameless plug) and whine on and on asking why guys like Roman Reigns and Jinder Mahal get pushed while the ones who have 5 Star Classics and do dives don’t! Some of us complain and threaten to boycott WWE while still using Raw as background noise. Some of us go on and on about part-timers getting all the money spots at WrestleMania while forgetting the keyword there is “money spot”, one of the worst things some of us complain about is when a wrestler won’t sign an autograph for us! This brings us to what I want to talk about today.

Sasha Banks was out getting a pizza with her dude. She was probably tired as shit from her match, and just wanted to eat, watch some Netflix and chill. While trying to grab her food, she is getting booed and harassed by marks outside of the area where she is getting her food. She has been known to not talk to fans and all, and you know what? I don’t blame her at all. Wrestling fans need to understand that these people are humans too! CM Punk talked about some goof at a hockey game getting mad at him for not wanting to sign an autograph while he was at concessions grabbing food for him and his girl! Randy Orton was trying to finish a workout when some asshole came up to him! I am glad that they were asshole to these entitled fans who think these people in WWE owe them something. If these folks are outside of the arena and doing some things in their own leisure where they are trying to enjoy themselves, what makes you think that you can just go up to them and invade their personal space? If I were in WWE, I wouldn’t want to sign your autograph in any of those scenarios either!

I get the whole “price of fame” thing, but that doesn’t mean they have to act nice and shit to appease any of you! If you want pictures and autographs, there is a time and place for it. WWE has plenty of times where they do organized autograph sessions featuring their talent. I have seen fans say they shouldn’t have to pay money. Why not? You are the same people who will gladly head to Comic-Con, and pay money to get pictures and autographs to see actors from Game of Thrones or The Flash. Go somewhere else with that foolishness! A talent who goes out there and busts their ass every night to entertain you really doesn’t owe you anything but a ticket stub, and a lot of memories. Thing is, I am not saying that WWE talent shouldn’t take pictures or sign autographs, what I am saying is that they should have the right to do it at their own discretion. As fans, we should also be respectful about it by not walking up to Heath Slater while he is at Shoney’s with his kids,

Just because a talent doesn’t want to give you an autograph, it doesn’t make them a shitty person. Maybe you are just a shitty mark who needs to get over yourself. Take your replica winged eagle belt, John Cena merch, and smartphone and sit your ass down somewhere. You aren’t special, and no one at WWE has to treat you like you are. Sit back, and try to enjoy the product. Autograph and photo opportunities will come, especially by those who are into that sort of thing. Please just make sure to wear deodorant and brush your teeth. We have a bad enough reputation as is!

As always you can hit me up with your thoughts and opinions on Twitter @whosantcox. You can also catch me on Instagram under the name Ultragoldenant where you can see my dank memes, gym selfies, and images from my retro gaming adventures. Also, don’t forget to spread the word and to check out out page on Facebook! I will catch you next time wrestling, fans!

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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