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  • Writer's pictureRichard Boudreau, Pro Wrestling Slam! Lead Editor

Former WWE Superstar Comments On Indy Wrestlers And How They're "Ruining Wrestling"

Updated: Aug 15, 2020


In a recent episode of his 'Conversations with the Big Guy' Podcast, former WWE Superstar Ryback had a lot of strong opinions on the independent pro wrestling scene, basically blaming Indy wrestlers for quote "ruining wrestling." Ryback elaborated on this statement.

“Independent wrestlers are ruining wrestling. It has carried over to WWE, and Hunter (Triple H) and Vince (McMahon) have allowed it to happen. It’s controlled more up there. This isn’t to say that every independent wrestler, but this is one thing that I have ripped on [John] Cena on personal things for the most part, but Cena always was really good at selling the basics really well."

Ryback did comment that Indy wrestlers are very talented, but he thinks that talent doesn't necessarily make you a wrestler.

"Indy wrestlers are super talented, but it doesn't make you a wrestler. It’s all the little things; the psychology of the original rules of the game, because those who came before us created the game, and I’m not talking about Triple H, but the game of wrestling. It evolves in different areas, but it’s people being disrespectful to the psychology and rules of wrestling. They think because chant ‘This is Awesome,’ they’re throwing themselves away and killing themselves."

Ryback had some strong words about the WWE and he thinks that the company isn't pushing the right type of wrestler.

“WWE is pushing guys that cannot hurt a fly. When did gymnastics make you tough? It doesn't. It really doesn't, and I get that it is entertainment, and it has its place, but for that to replace actual toughness, the business was built around being real, that is why you lose casual viewers because they don’t buy into that and they never will. When the Dads and kids tune in, they are not tuned in to watch that gymnastics stuff. It’s not believable; the whole art of it is making it believable, which is my honest take and everyone has their own opinion."

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