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  • Writer's pictureRichard Boudreau, Pro Wrestling Slam! Lead Editor

Jim Cornette Endorses Kane (Glenn Jacobs)' Run For Mayor Of Knoxville, TN.

Updated: Aug 15, 2020


Recently, pro wrestling managerial legend Jim Cornette commented on Kane (Glenn Jacobs)' recent mayoral bid for the city of Knoxville, TN. where Jacobs currently resides. Cornette had nothing put the highest of praises, not only of Jacobs' bid for mayor, but for his career in the WWE as well.

Cornette commented on Jacobs' career in the WWE as Kane.

“Glenn has lived in Knoxville now since 1995. He’s been one of the guys in the WWE that when you talk about somebody that has never brought bad publicity on the company, has always been reliable, has no bad habits, has produced in the ring, drawn huge money and, as JR refers to it, he was in the seven figure club making over a million dollars a year for a number of years in the WWF.

Cornette is fully on board for Jacobs as the potential mayor of Knoxville.

Now that he is winding down his wrestling career and he owns an insurance agency down there, he’s involved with the community and I don’t know that we agree politically because he is a Libertarian and I am a Socialist Democrat and am about as close to Bernie Sanders as you can be in terms of my political beliefs, but Glenn Jacobs is a great human being and old Mayor Burchett is term limited down there in Knoxville and he’s out, so now the spot is open and Glenn is running and I wouldn’t put it past him to win it. I don’t care what are his political beliefs, I know that Glenn is an honest and a well meaning guy who would do the best that he could at the job and I’m pulling for him.”

Cornette is not known to mince words when it comes to the pro wrestling industry, but when it comes to this endorsement for Glen Jacobs, Cornette is straight to the point, but classy about it as well.

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