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  • Writer's pictureRichard Boudreau, Pro Wrestling Slam! Lead Editor

Interview With Violet O'Hara, Bellatrix Female Warriors Superstar

Updated: Aug 15, 2020

Photo: Violet O'Hara Facebook

Hello once again wrestling fans, and welcome back to yet another fantastic interview here on *Kayfabe Kickout. For this interview, I had the immense pleasure to welcome back to the site, Bellatrix Female Warriors Superstar Violet O'Hara. The last time we spoke with "The Pocket Princess" she was preparing for her match with Bacardi at Bellatrix V, now she prepares for her match against Penelope at Bellatrix X, on September 28th. This time however she walks in as the Bellatrix British Champion, which she has held for an impressive 205 days as of this interview. Violet will put her Bellatrix British Championship on the line at Bellatrix X against Penelope, who seeks a huge win against Violet and seeks a championship of her own, so this will no doubt be a fantastic match between the two. I spoke with Violet on her match against Erin Angel, what her favorite Bellatrix Match she competed in and more. Richard: The first time you were interviewed for Kayfabe Kickout, you were set to face Bacardi at Bellatrix V, now at Bellatrix X you are facing Erin Angel and you will be putting the Bellatrix British Championship on the line, what will be your game plan to successfully pin her shoulders to the mat? Violet: I know that seems like a long time ago I like to think I’ve come on a lot since then, yes! I’m facing Penelope it should be quite interesting as we have both grown as wrestlers from the very first Bellatrix show...My game plan? that would be telling ;)...but I’ve done my research I’m know what she capable of in the ring and I’m just going to do my best if it means kicking her in the face and leaving a little size 2 footprint then so be it, if that’s what I have to do, that what I have to do! I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep my “pretty little belt” my being the operative word. Richard: Have you considered transitioning to women’s tag team wrestling, to make it a priority in your career? Or is women’s singles where you would like to remain? Violet: I have considered it as I do enjoy tag team wrestling but I would have to find the right partner, at this point in my career I’m more focused as a singles wrestler as a priority but if I was ever offered the right opportunity I wouldn't say no so maybe in the future. Richard: To get off the topic of professional wrestling, can you describe a typical day in the life of Violet O'Hara? Violet: The typical day can consist of anything or nothing lol it can be anything really it can be a basic day or complex it changes, I usually try to go with the flow, so it can be anything from visiting family, talking to friends and those close to me...going to the gym or for a run if I need to clear my head, replying to questions from fans to making arrangements for typical boring everyday stuff. Richard: Which do you prefer to be, the heel or the baby-face? Violet: Why did you have to ask that lol that’s mean, they both have a place in my heart. I love being the bitchy snobby stuck up tiara wearing princess but love being the mischievous, high fivin pocket princess who everyone wants to see prevail so I don’t have a preference per say...I’ll be whatever i need to be on the night. Richard: At Bellatrix VIII, you defeated Erin Angel for the Bellatrix British Championship, what was it like defeating an immensely talented wrestler like Erin? Violet: I remember the match being announced and thinking I don’t know if i can do this i was incredibly nervous waiting in the gorilla then after the match I didn’t register what had happened I’ve always been seen as second best and now i was champ...I remember sinking in a corner in the ring and thinking “what has just happened until I was helped to my feet and Erin pulled me in for a hug I was in shock it didn’t sink in till the journey home the next day but it felt truly amazing the buzz lasted for days Erin is a brilliant at what she does it was a great match one of the most challenging I’ve had, I feel privileged I got to work with her, she is one of the reasons that helped me make my decision to get into wrestling. Richard: If you successfully defeat Penelope at Bellatrix X, do you think that will put you in the prime position for a future Bellatrix World Championship match at the next Bellatrix Event? Violet: I would like to say yes but there are a lot of Bellatrix female warriors that want that shot and are thinking that way and will do anything to get it even joining ranks, I want to be able to defend my British title then work my way up, aiming for the European then the world it would be great if i could be a double champion I want to see how many titles I can earn lol Richard: Do you have a specific women’s championship that you are intent on capturing? Violet: Not yet but think the next one will be the RQW but There are loads i would love to challenge for...the RQW European Championship, the Bellatrix world championship, HEW Ladies, the Future Shock Women’s Championship even the ICW Fierce Females and that’s just the ones in the united kingdom! Richard: With Britani Knight (WWE Superstar Paige) now a full-time member of the WWE Roster, do you think there is room for more European and English Women's Wrestlers in the WWE? Violet: Definitely! Richard: To talk about Saraya Knight, you've worked with her inside the ring on several occasions, how did you enjoy working with her? Violet: Where to start I absolutely love working with Saraya despite the losses lol I’ve learnt so much in a short space of time, she always push me to the very limit and always gets the best out of me she takes no prisoners she’s taught me to never back down, and pick your battles, be smart, every time I face her it’s a an opportunity to gain a valuable lesson along the way and sometimes gain greater respect. Richard: You have appeared in seven Bellatrix Shows, which of your matches, is your favorites and why? Violet: My favorite would have to obviously be Bellatrix 8 as i became the new Bellatrix British Champion which was a huge stepping stone for me and another would be against Skarlett at Bellatrix 4 as I found that fire inside me that keeps me going I learnt a lot that night especially my own capability. Fans can follow "The Pocket Princess" Violet O'Hara on Facebook, Twitter and be sure to check out Violet's match against Penelope, for the Bellatrix British Championship, at Bellatrix X on September 28th. I want to personally thank Violet O'Hara, for taking the time to speak with me here on *Kayfabe Kickout.

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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