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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist

Better Than It Had Any Right To Be!

Updated: Aug 15, 2020


I gave Wrestlemania a solid B. I will give them props for taking an event that did not look too good on paper, and doing the best they could with what they had. It wasn’t a classic WrestleMania by any means, but as someone who has watched WrestleMania 9 and WrestleMania 11, I can say that I’ve definitely seen worse WrestleMania events. I also want to give WWE props for having the ability to take up my time. Between Friday night and Monday Night, I think that I may have watched about 16 hours of fresh run WWE programming. WrestleMania took up about 7 hours of that total. I watched everything from the pre-show until the show ended with Roman Reigns holding up the WWE World Heavyweight Title to a chorus of boos. I want to talk about some of the things on the card that stood out to me. It was great to see Zack Ryder have his WrestleMania moment when he won the Intercontinental Title in the seven man ladder match. He always works hard, the fans seem to like him, and he did everything that one is supposed to do in order to get themselves over. Of course, it was snuffed out the next night on Raw when he lost the title to The Miz but a great moment for him nonetheless! I am hoping this will lead to him regaining the title and getting more chances to shine on WWE television. It’s like someone played a sick joke on him. You're still cool with me, Broski! Props to the WWE Women’s division for putting on some great matches both during the pre-show and the Mania event itself. I like that WWE is finally dropping the term “Diva”. I always thought it was pretty silly, and the same goes for that belt. Seriously, that thing looked like something my nine year old daughter would wear to school. Let's hope that with a “Women’s Division” that we will see more wrestling and less Total Divas fodder, I am not too optimistic but I can still hope just the same. It was a pleasant surprise to see both DDP and Tatanka in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. 10 year old me as really hoping Tatanka would win that match. I am good with Baron Corbin winning, and I am hoping that this will be the start of a buzz for a fresh face on the main roster. Let's hope that he doesn't end up like the first two winners of this battle royal, and becomes stuck in the mid-card with only a goofy trophy to show for it. The Undertaker and Shane McMahon definitely had a watchable match. I'll give Shane props for diving from the top of the cell. Sure, it ended the way most people predicted; but it ended the way it should have with the Undertaker getting the win. How about us getting a bonus match involving The Rock? I was good with! Rock vs Wyatt at WrestleMania 33 anyone? I expected AJ Styles and Chris Jericho to deliver, and it did. I was disappointed that Styles lost, but at the same time I saw it for what is was. Vince making sure that Styles knows what team he plays for now. As for Reigns getting booed out of the building after beating Triple H, I expected nothing less. I still hope this leads to him turning on the fans who have already turned on him. WWE wouldn't want fans to start tuning out, would they? I've always considered the Raw after WrestleMania to be akin to the start of their new season and their road to the next WrestleMania. Last night saw new debuts on the main roster from NXT, and this in turns gives the roster from fresh faces and chances for us to see matches we have not seen ad nauseum already. I am hoping it work out for those guys because things don't always transfer over well from an NXT crowd to the crowd that watches Raw and SmackDown each week. Overall, WrestleMania 32 was much better than it had any right to be. If you thought it completely sucked, then clearly there is no pleasing you! It had appearances from all the people you loved from the Attitude Era. An era that so many of you all beg to come back. I'm going to end my column here because I've totally ignored my girlfriend with all this wrestling stuff these past few days! Brynn, please don't dump me! What are your thoughts on WrestleMania? Did you enjoy it? Are you one of the ones who still thinks it's one of the worst? If so, why? As always, you can find me on Twitter @whosantcox. Catch you next time, wrestling fans!

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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