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  • Writer's pictureRichard Boudreau, Pro Wrestling Slam! Lead Editor

We Didn’t Get the Finish We Wanted At WWE Roadblock

Updated: Aug 15, 2020


*This article was written by Guest Writer D.M. Levin

Now that WWE has shown us that Dean Ambrose is undeniably a better opponent than Roman Reigns for the company’s world title, nothing has changed after Roadblock on Saturday night. For a show that many of us believed would be more of the same from WWE Fastlane, I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised with the show, offering me a sense of hope that WrestleMania has potential to be a better show than advertised right now. There are three weeks to the date in Big D – time enough for the creative team and the ever-hardened Vince McMahon to back up and rewrite soon to be history. Changing course is what makes the business so unpredictable. What we have been left with is a stale, predictable dichotomy of what is going to happen as opposed to what should happen. McMahon has dug his heel in the dirt and is daring anyone to ruin his coming out party for one Roman Reigns when the fans have more than amply stated their case to support the unorthodox style of Ambrose in the same way fans supported Steve Austin and followed the Voice of the Voiceless in CM Punk. That alone might be the reason the former Intercontinental Champion isn’t receiving the title run he deserves and was magnified by the chants of “CM Punk” by the Canadian crowd on Saturday night. All I know is, Triple H and Ambrose gave us one hell of a show – a show that Reigns cannot and will not duplicate in Dallas – leaving us all to wonder why in the blue hell can’t there be change in WWE? There is a law that states Reigns will walk into AT&T Stadium and walk out as the company’s new champion again. It’s call McMahon’s Law – more powerful than any rule in the business and the only one that matters in terms of immortal unhappiness. From now until April 3, fans are going to yell, scream and pray there is a change, an injury or a coming to someone’s senses in putting Ambrose over as champion. I hoped there would be a title change in Toronto, a break from inevitability. It did not happen. Ambrose did more to help his cause by losing and Triple H did more to prove he is the right wrestler to carry the mantle until Reigns is appointed “king” of the jungle. There are plenty of angles this match could take – which includes a down turn – that would make fans happy. Triple H is going to be cheered for his antics in the ring. Reigns, who would do some much more with his character as a heel, is stuck in a purgatory many characters haven’t been caught in. To some degree, it isn’t fair to the former Shield member. But neither is the yo-yo Ambrose is being tugged on. Something has to give, but I doubt it will happen. And the thought of an Ambrose heel turn right now would kill any momentum he has as WWE’s top face. Funny how that happens since his brooding character and unpredictability would have been a lock for a heel persona just 20 years ago with the likes of Raven and Jake Roberts. There is no turning back with Reigns and his march toward destiny – AGAIN! Three title runs in four months is a little much to swallow given how the fans have railed against him. Roadblock should have done more to define Ambrose as the front runner of the babyface movement and maybe it did. In the end, however, Reigns gets the title shot, Ambrose continues to run toward Brock Lesnar and the fans are left to wonder if they will ever get what they truly want.

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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