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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist

I Guess...

Updated: Aug 16, 2020


I waited a week before I wrote this column because I wanted to be sure that I could express my thoughts in a way that doesn’t look like a bad Facebook status update. I liked the Royal Rumble event overall, I felt all of the matches on the show were solid but I didn’t agree with how it ended. You can’t satisfy all the readers all the time, right? On Sunday night, when Triple H won the WWE championship by winning the Royal Rumble, I said that WWE did everything short of pissing in Roman Reigns’ mouth with how they booked him. Sure he is probably going to win the #1 contenders match at Fast Lane against Brock Lesnar and Dean Ambrose before going to Wrestlemania to win the title back from Triple H. I get that, but did they really have to do all this just for the sake of 50-50 booking? I don’t understand how anyone can get elevated when you have everyone at .500. Quit playing things safe, and elevate people! Roman Reigns came out to the Rumble as the number one entrant, which was done to make sure we ALL knew the odds were completely against him. Reigns came out to a very loud chorus of boos. Yes, the Royal Rumble crowds have been rough the last 3 years, but someone who is truly over as a face doesn’t get booed ANYWHERE. This includes wrestling in front of smart mark crowds. When he was attacked by the League of Nations, did anyone else notice that he refused medical attention, but STILL went up the ramp? He walked back up the ramp which meant he could still go on. What was it that I said a couple weeks back about how they need not to make Reigns look stupid? It made Reigns look like a complete coward. Kevin Owens came out later hobbling to the ring showing some ill effects from his last man standing match against Dean Ambrose, who ALSO came out showing effects from that match! Those guys actually looked like heroes. Kevin Owens is one of the only true heels on the roster, but when he came out to the ring hobbling, it was a face move that showed how much being World Champ would mean to him. As JBL once said during his expert analysis on commentary about Owens, “Prizefighters fight for prizes!” Roman Reigns comes back out almost an hour later and takes out Sheamus while showing no signs that he got his ass whooped by a group of guys earlier in the night. He didn’t come out with as much as a Z-Pack in his hand. It’s like he just sat in the back at catering watching the match until there were only a few guys left. Are we to believe that WWE brass didn’t feel that he could go out there and last an hour in a battle royal where he could have truly looked strong? Instead they made him look like some opportunist trying to sneak away with his championship. Reigns came out once again to a chorus of boos but then when Triple H came out at number 30, Triple H was given a hero’s welcome by the fans of Orlando who enjoy the awesome job he is doing with NXT. When Reigns was eliminated from the Royal Rumble, the fans cheered. He garnered no sympathy at all from the crowd. When Triple H won the match and the title, I started laughing out loud. It’s like Triple H felt he had to take matters into his own hands with all of the injuries on the main roster. I’m not mad at Triple H at all for putting the title on himself, I just don’t think that it was necessary. Basically, Hunter, I am not saying what you did was right, but I understand! For WWE, when it comes to choosing between “going against the grain” versus “trite and predictable”, they usually choose trite and predictable. Sure it’s safe, but in a way he killed Roman Reigns off that night. Reigns just didn’t stand a chance between the crowd and the booking. Of course, I watched on social media as a bunch of you folks mark raged again, and once again said that you were going to stop watching WWE. I guess you all changed your mind from what the ratings showed for Monday! As the Road to Wrestlemania continues, we will see if the ends justify the means. Maybe Trips is on to something. For the three way match between Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose at Fast Lane, we know who is going to win the match, but we also know who is going to take the pin too! What can I say? With the events from the Rumble as well as he fallout from it, I’m appalled and intrigued at the same time. At least I get to see AJ Styles in a WWE ring, though! He’s one of the best wrestlers in the world. I hope WWE does right by him because he deserves it. ​As always you can hit me up on Twitter @whosantcox with your thoughts and opinions, and I am also now goofing off on Instagram under the username “UltraGoldenAnt”. I’ll catch you next time, wrestling fans!

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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