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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist

Royal Fumble?

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

I wanted to wait until things play out before passing judgment, but I am not sure if Roman Reigns defending his championship in the Royal Rumble match is the best course of action for WWE to go. I mean it’s more predictable than anything. I can’t see a scenario where Reigns is eliminated at the Rumble because they want him to look strong. I know that WWE creative wants to have it where Reigns has to defy the odds of his evil bosses (a played out story-line for nearly 18 years now), but this is a bit of overkill. I have always considered The Royal Rumble to be the WWE’s most important event next to WrestleMania itself because it sets the gears in motion for the main event of that show. If Reigns wins the Rumble, then they will have to come up with some other way to choose a number one contender for the main event going against the grain of the Royal Rumble winner simply being given that opportunity, you know, the way it should be. Sure they can do it at the next event on WWE, but it still takes away from what the Royal Rumble was supposed to be all about. There was only one time in Royal Rumble history where it actually made sense for the title to be on the line in the match itself, and that was Royal Rumble ’92 when the title was vacant before Ric Flair overcame all odds and took home the title by winning the event. Reigns should be defending the title against someone else at the Rumble as filler while he waits for the Rumble winner to be crowned. I understand that WWE doesn’t have a lot of guys right now with so many people being injured, but I feel that it’s time for them to allow more people to step up. This all makes me think that Triple H is going to face Reigns at Mania. This would make sense because it would be a situation of “If no one else can stop him, I guess I will have to do it myself” for Triple H. It’s just that this could have been done before WrestleMania either at The Rumble itself or next month’s PPV before Mania. Did anyone else bother to factor in that once Reigns enters the Rumble that everyone else would simply be gunning to eliminate him based on the fact that he is champion? I mean it would make the most sense because if you get the champion out of there, then you guarantee a new champion by the end of it all. Will the Authority put the odds against him even more by having him enter at #2? Isn’t that what those dastardly McMahons would do? I am interested to see how things are booked from now until the Royal Rumble. I mean, the guy is finally over so they need to do everything they can not to take any steps backwards with the man. Maybe I will eat my words, and this concept at the Rumble will work! I doubt, though! And P.S.-One of the things I said in my last column is that Reigns shouldn’t be put into any situations where he is made out to look like he is stupid. Having Reigns knock out the ref (Mr. McMahon), and then spear Sheamus and go for the pin was idiotic based on the fact that there was no referee around to make the pin because the person making the pin took the referee out. It made for another silly and awkward moment for Roman Reigns. He has had way too many of those already. Couldn’t you have had him have another referee on deck waiting in the wings or how about having Reigns take the hand of a knocked out Vince to make the 3 count? People aren’t going to believe in your champion if they think he is a dumbass! Just saying. As always you can hit me up on Twitter @whosantcox with your thoughts and opinions, and I am also now goofing off on Instagram under the username “UltraGoldenAnt”. I’ll catch you next time, wrestling fans!

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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