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  • By Matthew Hollie, Kayfabe Kickout Guest Writer

No Knockouts Match At TNA's Bound For Glory This Year? Bummer!

In the words of Dennis Miller; I don't want to go on a rant here, but when TNA management met with Japanese wrestling promotion Wrestle-1 for next month's Bound For Glory event, the Wrestle-1 floods said there won't be enough room for a Knockouts match on that night. Wait, what? After a meeting between TNA Executives John Gaubrick and Bob Ryder along with broadcasters Mike Tenay and Taz, Wrestle-1 official Jimmy Suzuki said the following on Twitter; “We have too many good cards and having difficulty make it less than 10... Sorry but I don't think there will be a room for girls this time." Well, that's gonna upset the fans of the Knockouts division who wanted to see the best women's wrestlers on the planet invade Tokyo for just one match, but that tweet is pretty darn harsh for those who supported that division. He later added the following; “We don't want 5 min matches. We want to show good solid wrestling as a speciality of Japanese wrestling organization." I don't want to burst anybody's bubble, but I thought Divas matches were five minutes long. The Knockouts can last like six, seven minutes tops. And the way it was worded was completely harsh, but what can you do? It's a business. Although Mr. Suzuki respects women's wrestling and the fact that he has a lot on the plate to provide the best event possible, but to me unless there's a such thing as “Card subject to change," there might not be a Knockouts match at Bound For Glory in Tokyo on October 12. But as of this writing, nothing is officially confirmed, but it's gonna worry the Knockouts fans a who lot, but you shouldn't boycott the event for that reason alone. Just enjoy wrestling for what it is. Take it from me, I should know.

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