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  • Writer's pictureRichard Boudreau, Pro Wrestling Slam! Lead Editor

Interview With Chanel, Bellatrix Female Warriors Superstar

Updated: Aug 15, 2020

Photo: Chanel Wrestler Facebook

Welcome back wrestling fans, to yet another stupendous interview here on *Kayfabe Kickout. For this interview we had the immense pleasure to welcome back to the site, the British Bombshell, Bellatrix Female Warriors Superstar, Chanel. The last time we spoke with Chanel, she was preparing for her match against Phobia, at Bellatrix V. Now she will have her hands full, as she will face the iconic Saraya Knight, at Bellatrix X, on September 28th. In the short time since we spoke with Chanel, she has grown in leaps and bounds, in terms of her in-ring ability and she will no doubt put Saraya Knight through her paces at Bellatrix X. I spoke with Chanel on what he game plan will be facing Saraya Knight at Bellatrix X, what she does in her spare time when she's away from the ring and more. Richard: The first time you were interviewed here on Kayfabe Kickout, you were set to face Phobia at Bellatrix V, now at Bellatrix X you are facing legendary English wrestler Saraya Knight, what will be your game plan to successfully pin her shoulders to the mat? Chanel: My game plan is her game plan. The thing is when you have been trained by your opponent you have a pretty good idea of what they are going to do, i'll be using that to my advantage. She's a very good teacher! Richard: Have you considered transitioning to women’s tag team wrestling, to make it a priority in your career? Or is women’s singles where you would like to remain? Chanel: Er no I haven't ever given it any thought really, its not really something that appeals to me. I much prefer singles. Richard: To get off the topic of professional wrestling, can you describe a typical day in the life of Chanel? Chanel: A typical day in my life is sadly work. My normal boring job. What we would all give to make a living from wrestling eh! But when I get the chance I love to shop, catch up with friends and also spend time with my beautiful pup Bandit! Richard: Which do you prefer to be, the heel or the baby-face? Chanel: At this moment in time I can only answer baby-face! To be honest I don't really fancy hanging around with the likes of Sammi Baynes, Axl or Penelope. They suck. Richard: At Bellatrix VIII, you participated in the 30 Woman Battle Royal for the #1 Contender, for the RQW Women’s Championship, what was it like for you to not only wrestle against one, but numerous women in one ring? Chanel: Oh my god it was not fun I can tell you that much. Have you ever had what feels like 29 other females trying to kill you at once?! It was a tough match and very hard-hitting, everywhere you turned there was someone there waiting to give you another shot to the gut! Richard: If you successfully defeat Saraya Knight at Bellatrix X, do you think that will put you in the prime position for a future championship match at the next Bellatrix Event? Chanel: Not necessarily, although it would be the biggest win of my career! Richard: Do you have a specific women’s championship that you are intent on capturing? Chanel: Yes, the Bellatrix British Championship currently held by Violet O'Hara. I want a piece of that. One day... Richard: With Britani Knight (WWE Superstar Paige) now a full-time member of the WWE Roster, do you think there is room for more European and English Women's Wrestlers in the WWE? Chanel: I wouldn't say more room. There has always been room..But if you mean do I think that more females will become involved in the sport due to her success then yes that is a high possibility. She is very inspirational and in the words of Saraya Knight herself she is real life Cinderella story. She proves that if you work hard and follow your dreams you can achieve anything, no matter who you are or where you come from. Richard: You have appeared in six Bellatrix Shows, which of your matches, of those four events is your favorite and why? Chanel: My favorite was probably still Bellatrix 4 against Destiny. I just really enjoyed the match and remember it being a turning point in my career where I felt as though I had improved. Since then I feel as though I haven't exactly had the best of matches but that is all about to change against Saraya Knight at Bellatrix 10! Fans can follow Chanel on Facebook, Twitter and be sure to check out Chanel's Match against Saraya Knight, at Bellatrix X on September 28th. I want to personally thank Chanel, for taking the time to speak with me here on *Kayfabe Kickout.

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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