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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist

Once Again the Big Thing!

Whooooo-weeeeee! Brock Lesnar took John Cena down the street and around the corner. I never thought I would see John Cena get pummeled in what looked like a glorified squash match, but that’s what happened at SummerSlam. Somewhere, a little boy is crying himself to sleep. Heck, I know there is probably a 33 year old out there whose feelings are hurt! Sure Cena got in some of his 5 moves of doom, but Lesnar did 16 German Suplexes and two F-5’s to conquer John Cena. I can’t wait to see what happens next! I knew it was only a matter of time before Brock Lesnar got a title run with his current contract. What a year it has been for Brock Lesnar, he beat down two of the greatest stars of all time within a four month span! What I find amazing is how the same people who mark-raged over Brock ending the Undertaker’s streak at WrestleMania are probably marking out right now because he beat John Cena. Then we have that other segment of the wrestling audience that is upset because the WWE World Heavyweight Title is now in the hands of a part-timer. That is just fine with me, and it’s not like any of us know his schedule anyhow. He is a big enough name that he can do the part time schedule, when people on the current roster start drawing like these part-timers then they can talk. Until then, WWE is just fine with having someone like Brock as champion. The World championship may get even more importance by its absence. When I was watching wrestling as a kid, I rarely saw Hulk Hogan on free TV except when he had a match on Saturday Night’s Main Event. He was champion, but he wasn’t on TV constantly with the title wrestling. In the old territory days, the World champion only came through every few months to defend his championship making his title defense a HUGE deal! With Brock Lesnar, you can do the same all the way up until WrestleMania 31 when he passes the torch to Roman Reigns (at least that appears to be the early plan). I don’t feel he should lose that championship at any moment before this one, and he needs to remain dominant throughout the reign destroying any challengers in his path. Those weeks that Lesnar isn’t on television, you can just have Paul Heyman come out and cut some promos while holding the titles. I am sure a lot of fans can listen to the guy talk all day. If you thought Heyman was annoying before running his mouth about Lesnar taking out the dead-man, wait until he flaunts that his client is now at the top of the WWE food chain. The heat drawn is going to be nuclear! I give props to WWE for getting this one right. Brock not only had to win, but he had to win in dominant fashion over the face of the company. Brock Lesnar did just that, and I think that folks will be talking about the whooping that John Cena took for years to come. It’s like we all sat down, and we watched “The Death of Superman” with Brock Lesnar playing the part of Doomsday. Lesnar was cold and calculating, and played around with Cena like he was The Brooklyn Brawler. The question is how will John Cena come back from this? Does he take some time off for a bit? Does he run to Hollywood? We get to watch all of this unfold. What are your thoughts on the Brock Lesnar as the new champion? What are your thoughts on how the match played out? Are you happy because Cena is no longer champion or are you upset because the part timer has the belt? You can also follow me on Twitter @whosantcox.

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