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  • By Matthew Hollie, Kayfabe Kickout Guest Writer

Brock Lesnar As WWE Champion Is Bad For Business

I don't know what to say. After Brock Lesnar literally destroyed John Cena last night, my faith in mainstream wrestling was lost. The IWC is the most sadistic group in the world. Cena was nearly killed and they didn't care one bit. In fact they cheered Lesnar to basically kill him. That is why I have total disdain for these kinds of fans. In my eyes, this has to be the worst decision the WWE has ever made, and that is a given fact. If you think about it, the WWE Championship won't be on television for at least the rest of the year and the fans don't even care. But to the average wrestling fan I have to ask this question: Why would the WWE hand over a championship to somebody who is a part-timer? And my answer is this; this company does give a damn about the IWC and the fans that hate John Cena. I get that, but the fans sure don't. Of all the Cena fans, I didn't like the match because it was one-sided for the duration of the match. Plus, with 16 German suplexes and a bunch of F-5s along the way, it was apparent that the fans were there to see a killing. It wasn't a match, it was an execution and the fans loved every minute of it. In my eyes, Lesnar doesn't even deserve to be champion because he has no passion for this business. He doesn't even care about the business. All he does is beat people up for a living. Not only is Lesnar winning the WWE Championship is not only a terrible idea, it's not even good for business. That match and the way it was booked will go down as one of the least favorite moments in WWE history because it was not just one-sided, it was just plain stupid to put the belt on a part-time guy. The WWE Championship is the most prestigious championship in history, and now it's tarnished by Lesnar and the people who cheered for a massacre. If it does not appear every week it's ruins the credibility of the belt, bottom line. Like many Cena supporters, I'm 100% against this decision because nobody liked how Cena was made to look weak and how Lesnar's offense was all about German suplexes and F-5s. There's nothing anybody can do about it, and so far the IWC has been ecstatic about the unfairly demise of John Cena. With Lesnar as champion, expect people who complain about it for a while because that belt will not be on the air for a while unless Paul Heyman holds on to it. In my eyes, this win along with Lesnar's destruction of the Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania 30 serves no purpose. And quite frankly the fans don't care. Hell, even I had plenty of fights with the idiots who don't agree with my point of view and quite frankly, it makes me sick. To be honest, I don't know if I want to continue my brand of wrestling journalism anymore due to these vicious clowns. But here I am, still writing because it's my passion, and not let a bunch of ignorant fools get the better of me, that's a given. To those who don't get it, get it. So enjoy WWE without a champion for the remainder of 2014 because Brock Lesnar as champion is bad for business. Follow me on Twitter @matthewhollie.

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