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  • By Matthew Hollie, Kayfabe Kickout Guest Writer

Even As SHIMMER Champion, Cheerleader Melissa Must Prove Her Doubters Wrong

Imagine you're one of the best women's wrestlers of the twenty-first century and yet you're overshadowed by other women you can beat with a palm of you hand. Imagine you've joined one of the big two companies in wrestling and you're nothing more than a doormat. Imagine your first reign in your home promotion's champion was screwed by your biggest rival. And imagine you're one again champion, with so many critics against you being champion for a long period of time. Cheerleader Melissa has been there and done that over the years and now that she's still SHIMMER Champion for more than 400 days, she has no intentions of letting it go. The fans turned their backs on her, the critics despise her, and mostly everybody doesn't like her; but has that stopped Melissa in the past? Whether you like her or not, she has become one of the most celebrated women's athletes in SHIMMER, and so far she has earned every accolade she has received. Vilify her if you wish, but there is no denying the fact that she is trying to get rid of the stigma of being the shortest reigning SHIMMER Champion in history but getting big wins over to notch opponents, and the way she did it makes it seem like she enjoys every second of it. This fall when she defends the title against more top notch opponents, some like LuFisto who have been campaigning for a title shot for months might get an opportunity, while others like Kana are aching for a chance to prove they are the best and possibly knock the champ down a peg. I don't know what will happen, but I do know is this; whoever wins it from Melissa better be aware of her rage because now she's not gonna hold back for anybody. It's not I hate everybody on the SHIMMER roster, in fact I have worked with some of the members of the promotion past and present, so that means I have the utmost respect of each and every women's wrestler in the world. Melissa is different; she clawed her way to the top of her profession yet knocked down a few inches or two, appeared in TNA Wrestling and yet she wasn't used very properly, and her first SHIMMER Title run ended by a sneak attack by Saraya Knight. Even she won the belt back, it was obvious that she was not going to let it go that easily and therefore she needed to be aggressive at all times. I believe she has the ability to break MsChif's records, if she wants to shake off the memory of her first title run. 716 will make her the most dominant woman in SHIMMER history. But right now Melissa has been vilified, and she has herself to blame. Now it's up to her to doubt the critics wrong and show the world she is no longer the doormat, no longer a failure. It's time she became more aggressive and more relentless if she holds on to the gold for another year. Follow me on Twitter @matthewhollie.

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