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  • By Matthew Hollie, Kayfabe Kickout Guest Writer

The IWC Vs. John Cena

Last night after John Cena became the 15 time World Heavyweight Champion, the most predictable thing happened; the damned Internet Wrestling Community went online on social media and complained about the way the match ended. But I want one who complained about it due in part I couldn't get the WWE Network and was forced to follow the action on Twitter, and I wasn't one to complain. Complaining about it isn't going to make anything better because with Brock Lesnar coming back, the fans feel Cena should drop the belt to Lesnar and quite frankly, I don't see that happening at all. In order to make Cena a transitional champion, he needs to defend the belt against a up-and-coming wrestler who has never win the belt before. I've heard from fans that they might boycott the company because of the direction this company is taking. To me looks like WCW-style booking, such as handing the belt to a more established veteran than a young talent. To some, that is downright sickening and it needed to be stopped. People wanted to see Bray Wyatt or Roman Reigns to carry the torch, but Vince McMahon wanted to put the belt on an established wrestler in order to face Lesnar. Nobody wants to see the aforementioned wrestlers get squashed by the guy who broke the Undertaker's WrestleMania streak. Now with Daniel Bryan out of action, someone had to step up to the plate and fill his shoes for the time being. If it has to be Cena, so be it. The complaining about Cena not giving young talent a push is downright foolish because although Cena is an established veteran, there was no need to hate the guy for doing a job. Besides, the last place John Cena would want to go is to TNA and screw all the IWC members for hating him. Besides if Cena wants to be immortalized as one of the greats, he has to be better than what he was last year. Calling him talentless is not true at all as he was taught in UPW and later by OVW to build his career. The WWE is his life. It's all he has. But if this complaining from the internet fans continues, he might find other alternatives to further his career. After all, he is 37 and he's still the most active competitor on the block. The jealousy of the hypocritical wrestling fans have built a wall between them and the WWE's management team because he is one with tremendous value and the fans are sick and tired of him. Nothing can please these guys these days. Take Matt Hardy for one; a guy who had been booed constantly by not just the IWC, but the hypocritical Ring Of Honor fan base because he was a former WWE talent making a name for himself at the expense of the young and up-and-coming talent from ROH but that is not fully true at all. I respect what Matt Hardy does in the ring just like I respect John Cena. The IWC's bitter opinion of him will never change my view of the guy. Wrestling fans, the time to complain and boycott has to be stopped because it is not gonna help the business that much. If you want to continue to complain, find an alternative to watch because complaining will make the WWE shove the established wrestlers down your throats and force you to like it. But with the WWE's focus is building young talent, it would take years to make the this company hot the damn reset button. With TNA in ugly shape and Ring Of Honor building a tremendous following, WWE will be a top company for years to come despite the bullying fans who sit on their computers and complain online. For me, I don't complain about it because I got nephews who ate John Cena fans. I respect the guy. It's the male adult wrestling fans and the IWC that hate him. So before you keyboard warriors go off saying I shouldn't be rooting for Cena or my opinion doesn't count, well to quote one of the IWC's most despised guys in wrestling Matt Hardy; “SILENCE, WRESTLING FAN!" Follow me on Twitter @matthewhollie.

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