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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist

Evil Dixie! Awww Snap!

As we say out my way in McKeesport, PA, Dixie Carter went H.A.M. (Hard As a Motherf&$*er) on AJ Styles. She referred to him as “the marginal one”, and said that the she built TNA and not him. Harsh words for a guy who has been with the company since day one. Of course, we all know what this means. It means that Dixie Carter has officially turned heel. We are treated to a story-line just like the one in WWE where the top face has to go up against the machine who thinks that he isn’t worth a damn because he is too small and lacks the charisma to be a top guy. Everyone is saying that TNA is just copying off of what is going on in WWE (which in a lot of ways they are), but it is taking TNA into another creative direction. That is what TNA definitely needs at this point with the Aces & 8s story-line quickly dying out and on its last leg, there is a turnover in the roster going on, and the fact that they have probably ran out of anything else to do at this point; they are going to give this ailing product some sort of shot in the arm. If you are going to copy something, why not copy something that at least keeps the fans interested? TNA is regurgitating a wrestling story-line just like WWE is, it doesn’t matter that WWE came up with the whole “evil boss thing” first. WCW had an evil boss angle too, it’s old hat. In my opinion the whole thing is a played out concept anyhow and just shows that the people on the creative staff lack creativity or the ability to come up with something fresh. I must point out that a lot of things haven’t been addressed during this whole situation. Where does the whole “Aces & 8s vs Main Event Mafia angle fit in all of this? After all, Aces & 8s wants to destroy everything that TNA stands for, but now that the boss herself has turned heel too. Is she going to help Bully Ray make sure that he retains his title at Bound for Glory thus pulling an “Eric Bischoff” and joining the crew herself? As I typed that, I said to myself “Oh shit, I hope not!” We must also find out if the Main Event Mafia is going to be involved in any of this because if Aces & 8s is through, then what are they going to be needed for? To be honest, Dixie turning heel is the equivalent to my mom turning heel. The woman seems way to nice to be evil to anyone in the world of professional wrestling. Heck, when I tweeted to her how I enjoyed one of her pay-per views, she sent me a direct message thanking me for watching. What other wrestling owner of a national promotion does that? We all know Vince doesn’t! He probably still has a rotary phone in his office (you really think he is tweeting all of that stuff himself?). It is hard to believe her as evil as even when she ran down AJ Styles, it seemed so forced and wooden. Did TNA really need Dixie to turn heel? Not really, but if it us going to shake things up a bit then why not? TNA has tried everything else! Hogan hasn’t worked, Aces & 8’s hasn’t worked, and bringing in former WWE guys at inflated costs hasn’t worked all that well either. I wonder exactly where evil Dixie Carter leaves Hulk Hogan. Is he going to bigfoot his way into this story-line and hijack it himself? Is he going to try to be evil right along with Dixie? I think that some of the words that Dixie said to AJ were words that Hogan has probably said to her in private when talking about AJ Styles. “He’s too small, brother!” Well he might have said, “sister”, but that’s beside the point. The new creative direction could also mean that Hogan is on his way out. If he is on his way out, then he will sign the legends contract with WWE and cash out. Everyone wins, Dixie gets rid of his inflated salary and Hogan gets to head back home to WWE use his name to help the company to make appearances and other things that Hogan can do to because when it is all said and done Hulk Hogan will always be known as a WWF/E guy. That is the company that he put on the map back in the 80s. It may sound kind of silly; but with Dixie as the evil boss, I am looking forward to see where TNA goes from here from a story-line standpoint. Will we see a side of Dixie that is cold and calculating doing things such as trying to force AJ Styles to dress like a turkey or a reindeer again or will it be the equivalent of when we all saw Linda McMahon try to be evil? Relax and strap on your seat belt for this one! I will be watching just for all of the perverse comedic value that is guaranteed to be coming along with this. If you thought the bad acting from the Claire Lynch angle was funny, I am expecting this to be unintentionally funnier. As always you can email me at or follow me on Twitter @whosantcox. I respond to all emails and tweets for the internet Wrestling Community. Catch you on the flipside, wrestling fans!

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