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  • By Dani Mitchell, Kayfabe Kickout Guest Writer

Heyman - Punk Feud Bringing Shine To IC Title

There is no question that the most coveted belt in the company is the WWE championship being held right now by Randy Orton. Not even the World Heavyweight belt has the authority behind it as the WWE belt. WWE has the habit of using the guys with the titles to put over other talent. This is great for guys trying to prove themselves, but it makes the champions look weak and like the titles they hold are just mediocre achievements. Right now Alberto Del Rio is holding the WHC and it seems like for months that he has been struggling. He has been putting over the talent of Rob Van Dam and Christian, and it doesn’t look good for a champion to be losing so many matches. It’s helped bring back the crowds interest in RVD and Christian both, but as far as the appeal for Del Rio; he might be losing more than just matches. The Tag Team Championship and The US Championship, all held by members of the Shield are also titles that have been left in the dust recently. Even though The Shield as a whole is a dominant force, in single competitions they don’t quite seem to live up to winning expectations. They have had their fair share of losses and DQs. With all the focus on the WWE belt could it be up to Paul Heyman to bring the significance back to the Intercontinental Championship? Since Curtis Axel won the belt there has been a lot of comparisons to his father Mr. Perfect and himself. All the talk Mr. Perfect reminds fans of how important the title use to be. The WWE has gold right in front of them. Paul Heyman, Axel’s manager, is one of the most influential men in the business. The way he can talk about the championship as if it is the only title worth holding is spectacular. It’s like he could make anyone pine over Curtis Axle’s position. If anyone is going to make this belt mean something again it will be Heyman. Heyman is in a huge feud with former client, CM Punk. Punk willing to do anything to ruin Heyman has been thrown into matches with Axel. While many people feel that the Intercontinental belt is beneath Punk after he held the WWE championship for 434 days. I have to ask the question… Isn’t any belt better than no belt? And why wouldn’t Punk want to hold a belt until he is back in line for the WWE belt? The most important reason for Punk to want to IC championship? It will ruin Paul Heyman’s day! With someone like Punk who broke the record of days holding the belt, going after the IC championship, it could show the fans that the belt is still one to be coveted. This angle is not only going to keep Punk and Heyman’s feud going, but it is going to give a young, Curtis Axel the experience and TV time to build his own character. Heyman has been doing a lot of work for Axel on the Mic, and if he loses the belt to Punk he might have the chance to build his mic skills, and get some serious reactions from the crowd. Axel is extremely talented, and could really appeal to the crowd now that he someone was important as Heyman in his corner as he has been thrown into the battle with someone as athletically talented as Punk. It has the makings of something great. With all eyes on Bryan and Orton, this might be time to add some spotlight to the Intercontinental Championship and watch the magic happen.

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