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  • By Dani Mitchell, Kayfabe Kickout Guest Writer

Divas Division Could Kick Out At 2

WWE's recent show Total Divas which has been airing on the E! Network has drawn more attention to the Diva's division than the girls have seen in a long time. Will the show breathe some life back into the fading group? Possibly. If the WWE wants to capitalize on the attention the show is getting, they still have a long road ahead of them. While they are taking steps in the right direction by first getting a new crowd interested in the Divas, the Divas are going to have to perform. With the Bella Twins coming back after 11 months off and then scooping up all the Diva TV time, it makes it look like the WWE just wants some models in the ring. It certainly shows that Natalya seems to be thinking the same thing. Natalya has always shown her athleticism. Born into wrestling royalty, her moves are impressive and most importantly she makes it look easy. While Nattie is a strong workhorse for WWE, I’d like to see them have more ladies on roster with her skill set. Basically the point I am getting at is, if WWE want to keep the Diva's division strong, they are going to have to make their Divas look strong. The women of the WWE need to be practicing moves we haven't seen since women like Lita or Trish Stratus have been in the ring. If they could bring the boldness of women that could hang in the ring with the guys, the division would strive. I really think it’s odd on a show that promotes the Divas, there is no mention of the recent champion, Kaitlyn, or newest champion A.J. Lee. This alone makes the belt or the hunt for the belt really seem unimportant. On the show, there was talk of WrestleMania moments and airtime for matches, but no real mention of how important it is to win the belt. The superstars of the WWE bring up the belts and championship in almost everything they do, which makes the fans understand how important they are, and how bad they want it. Without the drive for the belt, there is no reason for the division. Hopefully with the changes in the developmental, the women that will be coming up to the main roster, then women will prove powerful. If WWE creative plays their hand right they could capitalize on the success of the show and bring back the interest in the Divas. They need to be strong wrestlers first, eye candy second.

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