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  • By Ashley Matthew, Kayfabe Kickout Guest Writer

Why Isn't WWE Featuring More Diva's On The Newest Reality Show

With some Divas getting pushed like Naomi, Cameron, Natalya and the Bella Twins, WWE fans are grateful that WWE is actually doing something to spotlight the Divas Division, even if the attention to the Divas Division is somewhat small at the moment. However, these ladies that I mentioned earlier are getting pushed to promote the new reality show they are featured in called “Total Divas.” While it’s great that at least some of the Divas are getting attention because of the new show, why didn’t WWE include more Divas to be featured on the show besides only seven Divas? WWE could really benefit from this reality show if it does manage to be a success. If the show is successful, perhaps it may come back for a second season where other Divas like Rosa Mendes, Tamina Snuka, Layla El, Aksana, Summer Rae and others can be featured. This may be a positive thing if these Divas are featured because they may be given a better push plus the WWE could feature specific feuds between the Divas by including more of them on the show. It may even be great for Tamina if we can finally see her personality shine more through this show. It may even be beneficial to include NXT Divas in a future season like Kendall Skye, Bayley, Paige, Emma and Sasha Banks so they can get more publicity and recognition as a WWE Diva to help them prepare for their main roster debuts, as there are still fans who don’t know who these ladies are, due to them not watching NXT. Perhaps even Christina Vargas, Sarah Backman, Lexi Kaufman and other developmental Divas still waiting to make their debuts on NXT can be featured, considering how in the first season of “Total Divas”, we will be introduced to two of the WWE’s newest Divas, Eva Marie and Jo-Jo Offerman. Considering how many Divas the WWE has, the company can definitely include more of them on the show in the future, assuming the show will return for another season.

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