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  • By Richard Boudreau, Kayfabe Kickout Lead Editor

Interview With Liberty, Current Bellatrix Superstar

Photo: Liberty

Hello again wrestling fans and welcome back to yet another fantastic interview here on *Kayfabe Kickout, and another in our continuing series of interviews with the gorgeous ladies of Bellatrix, which is headed by the iconic UK Wrestler Saraya Knight. ​In this interview I had the pleasure to speak with Liberty, who is set to face RQW European Women's Champion Queen Maya at Bellatrix 5 on iPPV March 24th. Liberty has been involved in the pro wrestling business since 2009 and she has competed for some of the top wrestling promotions in Europe and the UK such as; Pro Wrestling Eve, All Star Wrestling, European Union of Wrestling Alliances and many more. In her brief career Liberty accomplished a major milestone, she captured the WAWW British Championship in 2011 and held it for 301 days, an impressive feat for a women's wrestler who has only scratched the surface in terms of her career. I spoke with Liberty on her upcoming match with Queen Maya at Bellatrix 5, her thoughts on working with Saraya Knight, how she got her start in pro wrestling and more. Richard: For wrestling fans who might not know what you are involved with in the world of professional wrestling, can you just give us an update on what's going on in the busy schedule of Liberty? Liberty: Well right now in my career it's all about Bellatrix! I've been trianing hard and getting myself into top shape, preparing myself for my match, and making sure everyone knows about it! Bellatrix is going to play a very important part in my wrestling future, so i'm doing everything I can right now to ensure that not only myself but all the talented girls on the show get the recognition we all deserve! Richard: Over the last 25 years or so Women's Professional Wrestling has changed dramatically in terms of how it's presented, in your opinion do you think it's better today, or has the change hurt the product overall? Liberty: I personally think the way women's wrestling is perceived these days is that we're all here just to look at, it doesn't matter how we wrestle as long as we look 'sexy' or 'hot'... And I know I can speak for a lot of female wrestlers when I say that is not what we're about at all! I think that a lot of people believe that female wrestler's are not as talented as male wrestlers because of the one reason being, we're women! So yes, it has hurt the product overall dramatically! Female wrestlers are just as talented, just as tough and just as successful! Richard: At Bellatrix 5 on March 24th on iPPV you are set to face RQW European Women's Champion Queen Maya, do you think you have what it takes to defeat a wrestler of Maya's impressive stature? Liberty: I do believe I stand a great chance of putting up a great fight against Queen Maya, but winning? That is the toughest question of all. I know since her injury at the last Bellatrix show she's been giving it her all to get back into training and come back stronger and her one aim is for payback... This match is going to be a huge triumph for me if I am victorious and I am ready and confident! But Queen Maya is an outstanding wrestler, and is not to be underestimated.

Richard: How did you get your start in professional wrestling? Liberty: I first got into wrestling through one of my old school friends who was training to wrestle at the time. They took me to a couple of shows and I really enjoyed watching, I then went along to shows during the summer that were on Sunday in Great Yarmouth every week. Eventually I was asked if I wanted to start training and the rest is history! Richard: Bellatrix is headed by iconic British Women's Wrestler Saraya Knight, can you share your thoughts on what it's like working under a legend such as Saraya? Liberty: Working for Sweet Saraya is amazing. She is an exceptional wrestler and a great trainer, she's taught me everything I know today! it's a privilege to say I have met met in the ring with her many times, as she is a huge talent and is now passing on her knowledge to all of us at Bellatrix. Richard: You've competed in some of the top pro wrestling promotions in Europe and the UK, which one was your absolute favorite to wrestle in? Liberty: I have to say my favorite place to wrestle is in the UK! The fans are like no others. As much as I love travelling to new places such as France, where the crowds seem to go crazy for new wrestlers! and really show their support, the UK fans seem to really know me. They know my character, they know what I'm all about and they know how to get behind me in every one of my matches! They are true, loyal fans. Richard: Who was the number one women's pro wrestler who inspired you to get into the business, if you had one that is? Liberty: I didn't really have one women's pro wrestler that got me into the business, but throughout the early stages of my career was WWE's Paige. She really has proven that if you are determined and passionate enough about something you can achieve great things. That is exactly what she has done, and I would love to eventually follow in her foot steps and become a world wide talent! Richard: Who was your toughest opponent thus far in your career? Liberty: I think my toughest opponent so far has got to be Queen Maya. Each of our matches have been a tough challenge! She's a great competitor and always puts up a good fight, which makes her difficult to step up against. But knowing that challenge gives me that much more determination to over come and defeat it! At Bellatrix 5 I'm going to give it my all to beat Queen Maya, it's not going to be easy, but I can guarantee I'll give it 100% to send her back to Italy beaten! Richard: In your opinion what do you think of promotions like the WWE and TNA making women's wrestling more sex appeal rather than actual pro wrestling? Liberty: Like I said earlier, promotions like WWE and TNA have changed how female wrestlers are now seen, glamour models who decided to become wrestlers! I think it changes the fan's opinions of us, that we're not very talented but as long as we look good it doesn't matter, and with that it lowers the standards of our wrestling abilities! That fans now have different expectations for male wrestlers than they do for women's. We're not seen as equals in the wrestling world, and it is down to how WWE and TNA have made all female wrestlers come across. As a whole, female wrestlers are trained athletes who take the sport seriously, who are not to be exploited as talent-less divas! Richard: What are your long term goals in professional wrestling? Liberty: my long term goal and biggest aspiration would be to work for Shimmer. The talent is incredible and there's such a variety of wrestler's on the roster. To get the chance to step in the ring with one of the Shimmer girls would be a huge highlight of my career, it would be an amazing experience to become a Shimmer athlete! Richard: What would be your number one women's professional wrestling championship you would want to compete for and win? Liberty: I'm not sure I have one particular championship I would like to compete for or win. Any championship across Europe or more so the World would be worth competing for! And it would be a great achievement to win one. Being a champion gives you a high status, recognition and respect.. Anyone in the wrestling business would jump at the chance to attain those aspects. Fans can check out Liberty's Official Facebook Page and don't forget to check out Liberty face Queen Maya at Bellatrix 5, which can only be seen on iPPV. I want to personally thank Bellatrix Superstar Liberty for taking the time to speak with me here on *Kayfabe Kickout.

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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