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  • By Richard Boudreau, Kayfabe Kickout Lead Editor

Shanna vs. Emi Sakura - The Yardstick Women's Pro Wrestling Should Be Measured From

Since Kayfabe Kickout’s inception in March, 2012 an integral part of the site has been its extensive article section. Obviously from what most of you fans have seen here on the site, I have written numerous articles on various topics of professional wrestling itself, but writing specific match reviews never really crossed my mind. A few days ago I was asked by “Portugal’s Perfect Athlete” Shanna to review her match against Emi Sakura at AWW’s (Alternative Wrestling World) Breaking Point Event that was held on February 3rd, at the Wolverhampton Civic Halls in West Midlands, England. Needless to say I was flattered to say the least. So I am here today, to share my thoughts on what I thought of this match. Before the match began, Shanna made her way to the ring, and cut a vicious promo on the fans of England, basically insulting them for their limited intellectual abilities. At this point every single fan in the building was showing their disgust for Shanna, and the heat level she was receiving was at its boiling point. Shanna then informed the fans that she was supposed to wrestle Kay Lee Ray, but Ray jilted the fans by not showing up, so Shanna said she wasn’t going to wrestle, and she didn’t have to take crap from the fans. An executive from AWW made his way to the ring, grabbed the mic and began to cut his own promo on Shanna. He commented on how British Pro Wrestling was the backbone of all professional wrestling, and how wrestlers come to England to learn how to hone their craft. The executive commented that another country that did well on the back of England was Japan, and he then announced Shanna’s opponent; Emi Sakura, which received a deafening reaction from the crowd. Sakura made her way to the ring, and Shanna being the classic heel she was didn’t want any part of Sakura at first, but eventually entered the ring. The match began, and from the start it was intense. There were spectacular moves and manoeuvres performed by both Shanna and by Sakura, which I have not seen for quite some time in North American Women’s Pro Wrestling. Sakura dominated Shanna for a good portion of the match, showing her finesse and extraordinary technical ability, by applying a surfboard on Shanna. But Sakura didn’t stop there; she added icing to the cake by complementing it with three rolling surfboards, literally stretching Shanna to the breaking point, and nearly to the point of submitting. Sakura continued to dominate by applying not one, but two double under hook back breakers, and it seemed at this point you could stick a fork in Shanna, because she was done. But the resilient Shanna mounted a strong comeback, with a series of high flying drop kicks and fierce punches. Shanna was now in control of Sakura, and was ripe for Shanna’s “Perfect Plex” and for the three count, but Sakura wasn’t done just yet. Shanna continued to mount her fabulous offense, reached down into her high flying repertoire and hit her signature High Cross Body off the top rope. After that, most fans thought that would have been it for Sakura, but yet again she was not ready to concede to defeat. It was at this point of the match when Shanna performed a move on Sakura that will no doubt be on many future highlight reels for women’s pro wrestling. Sakura was down on the mat, and Shanna was ready to once again fly high from the top rope. Sakura ran to the corner to try and thwart Shanna’s efforts, but Shanna didn’t go down without fighting. Shanna, with a series of strikes, dazed Sakura, and while Sakura was clinging to the second rope using both hands, Shanna stood straight up on the top turnbuckle, jumped and stomped down on Sakura’s Chest, dropping Sakura on her head like a bag of dirt. Every fan in the building was literally on the edge of their seats, and they showed their appreciation for both Shanna and Sakura. The match seemed to be in Shanna’s favour after that spectacular move, but it was as if Sakura rose from the dead, as she quickly gained the upper hand on Shanna, she climbed the ropes and hit a fantastic front 450 Splash on Shanna for the three, and for the victory. The fans stood up and gave an arousing ovation for Sakura, and for Shanna. Being the classy baby face that Sakura was, she checked on Shanna, stood her up and shook her hand. I’m honestly not a fan of giving out “stars” as a ratings system for matches, but for this match I will make the exception of giving it 4 out of 5 stars. Both Shanna and Sakura brought their very best to that match, and as I stated some spectacular moves were performed, but said moves didn’t take anything away from the match itself. Most importantly there were no 20 minute promos, or the usual verbal diarrhea before a match to try and build something decent. Sakura and Shanna went out, wrestled a spectacular match and told a fantastic story inside the ring. I’m looking forward to seeing what Shanna and Sakura can produce in a future match, and I know it will not disappoint. Wrestling fans can check out a special sneak preview of the match.

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