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  • By Richard Boudreau, Kayfabe Kickout Lead Editor

Interview With The "Dynamite Doll" Bronwyne Billington, Pro Wrestling Manager & Valet

Photo: Bronwyne Billington

Welcome back wrestling fans to another great interview here on *Kayfabe Kickout. In this interview I had the immense pleasure to speak with the "Dynamite Doll" Bronwyne Billington, for some of you who may not know she is the daughter of one of the greatest technical wrestlers of the modern era, the legendary "Dynamite Kid" Tom Billington. Bronwyne decided to follow in her father's footsteps and step into the world of professional wrestling to become a manager, as well as a valet for her finance "Superfly" Dan Myers, who was trained in the iconic "Dungeon" by the Hart Family of Professional Wrestling. ​The duo of Bronwyne and Dan then aptly named themselves the "Dynamite Duo." and Bronwyne's career in professional wrestling has just started, but she's already off to a great start. She debuted at Hart Legacy Wrestling's Debut Show, which was January 18th at the legendary Victoria Pavilion in Calgary, Alberta, so this is just the start of Bronwyne's career and she will no doubt have a bright future in professional wrestling. I spoke with Bronwyne on what her long term goals are in pro wrestling, reconnecting with her father, her thoughts on the role of managers and valets and so much more. Richard: For wrestling fans who might not know what you are involved with in the world of professional wrestling, can you just give us an update on what's going on in the busy schedule of the "Dynamite Doll" Bronwyne Billington? Bronwyne: I debuted January 18th, 2013, in my hometown of Calgary, Alberta. My fiancé Superfly Dan Myers is a professional wrestler who was trained in the Dungeon by my uncles, Bruce and Ross Hart, along with my cousins, Harry Smith, Teddy Hart and Tyson Kidd. Dan was asked to be on much anticipated wrestling show and the opportunity came up for me to be his valet. It was to be held at the legendary Victoria Pavilion on the Stampede Grounds. My father, The Dynamite Kid, started his North American career in this building working for Stampede Wrestling in the late 70’s. I had thought of entering the business before, but just wasn't sure where to start. I was asked to do the “Resurrection” show for Hart Legacy Wrestling in honour of my dad. Dan was renamed Dynamite Dan and I became the Dynamite Doll. Together we are "The Dynamite Duo." The show was almost sold out and drew a large crowd for Indy wrestling standards. We were a real hit. There is another show at the same venue coming up this month on Feb. 22nd for NEXT GENERATION WRESTLING. I am really looking forward to it. We have a few small shows booked until then. I am just trying to gain as much experience as I can. Richard: When was the exact moment when you decided you wanted to be involved in the pro wrestling business? Bronwyne: The exact moment I knew I wanted to be involved with wrestling was probably when I started dating a wrestler. It is in my blood and I loved attending the monthly shows. I always had to be front row and made an effort with my appearance as my dad’s fans would recognize me and treat me like wrestling royalty. I liked the idea of keeping the tradition alive in our family. I knew I didn’t want to be a wrestler, but I thought it'd be exciting to get involved in another capacity.

Richard: Recently you were able to reconnect with your father the legendary "Dynamite Kid" Tom Billington, who currently resides in England. Can you share your thoughts on what was going through your mind the first time you spoke to your father after all these years? Bronwyne: The first time I reconnected with my dad after 15 years, I was terrified. As a child I always told myself I was going to go to England and find my dad when I became an adult. MySpace and Facebook helped me to connect with my dad’s family overseas. I went to England and stayed with my cousin, Craig. He took me to see my Dad. I didn't call or anything. I just showed up at his doorstep. I was shaking and almost having a panic attack. I remember I first went to the door by myself and no one answered. I went back to the car where my cousin was and we then realized I was knocking on the wrong door. ​After going up to that first door alone, I couldn't do it again. I had my cousin come with me. He knocked on the correct door and I hid behind him. He is a very tall guy. My dad’s wife answered the door and she couldn't even see me behind my cousin. When she let us in and I saw my dad sitting there in his wheelchair. I ran up to him, hugged him and cried. He asked, "What’s wrong?" I said, "I missed you!" He wasn't upset at all, in fact, I think he was happy. I went to his house everyday during that first trip and everyday I spent with him, I saw his eyes brighten up a little more each day. We stay connected and we talk to each other on Sundays. I’ve been back couple of times since then and the last time Dan came with me and asked my dad for permission to marry me. Richard: Being involved in professional wrestling, do you think it will be a challenge for you to step out of the shadow of your father, who is arguably the greatest technical wrestler and performer of the modern era? Bronwyne: I don’t think that it will be a challenge for me stepping out of my father’s shadow. What I am doing is totally different than what his career was. If anything, it makes people more accepting of me because they are such loyal fans of my dad’s. To open the Hart Legacy show, they did a tribute for all the legends. They had Stampede legends and their families walk around the ring. When my dad’s name was announced and we walked around the ring, the whole crowd roared!

Richard: What female wrestler, or manager, either past or present would you most love to work with in the ring? Bronwyne: A manager from the past that I would love to be in the ring with would of course be Miss Elizabeth! She was so elegant. When I was little, I absolutely loved her. My dad had a wrestling ring in our backyard in a barn growing up and my cousins and i would "play wrestling." I always had to be Miss Elizabeth and my cousin Jade Hart, Bret Hart’s daughter, would be Sensational Sherri- she loved her! I was lucky enough to meet Miss Elizabeth and Randy at shows backstage and on the road with my dad and mom when I was about 3 or 4. My mom says they adored me. They didn't have children of their own and Miss Elizabeth said Randy loved my big blue eyes. ​She also said, if they were to have a baby girl they would hope she'd be like me. I remember receiving presents and birthday cards from them in the mail. :) Richard: Would you work for any of the big three pro wrestling promotions as a manger, or valet if given the opportunity; WWE, TNA, or ROH? Bronwyne: I would work for any of the big promotions if given the chance. Anything to advance further in the pro wrestling world would be a huge honor and a wonderful opportunity.

Richard: Over the last 25 years or so Women's Professional Wrestling and the role of the female manager has changed dramatically in terms of how it's presented, in your opinion do you think it's better today, or has the change hurt the product overall? Bronwyne: I think its unfortunate you don't see many valets or female managers anymore. It seems you have to be a wrestler to be hired. I do miss the way it used to be. Beside every great man or wrestler there should be his lady by his side! Vickie Guerrero is an influential manager of the day. I look at her and think there is a small window of opportunity still open for valets or managers in the business. It keeps me hopeful. Richard: Do you plan on watching the upcoming documentary about "Dynamite Kid" entitled "A Matter of Pride" when it's released next month? Bronwyne: I can't wait for my dad’s documentary comes out. My fiance and I were actually interviewed for it. I’ve watched the sneak peek and it looks like it will be a great final product. It will be nice to have that and look back on and show my kids and grandkids. I’ll be able to share with them my dad’s amazing contributions to professional wrestling and how it all began. Richard: In the past few decades, smaller pro wrestlers like your father have faced tough challenges to succeed in the business. In 2013 do you think those challenges still exist? Bronwyne: No, I don't necessarily see being a small wrestler as holding you back. You look at guys like Rey Mysterio, who is small in stature and is also one of the greatest flyers in the business. If anything it often makes you quicker and want to work that much harder to prove to the world you can do it!

Richard: What are your long term goals you hope to achieve in your career in professional wrestling? Bronwyne: My long term goals with it are to first and foremost: HAVE FUN WITH IT! Maybe get to travel a bit with my fiance. I'm hoping these Next Generation Wrestling shows really take off and we can get some recognition. My cousin Harry Smith, aka Davey Boy Smith Jr, will be on these shows as well. I'd love to have him and Dan start tagging and have me manage them. The new aged British Bulldogs with a female manager- no more Matilda. It’s just what the world needs to see! Fans can follow the "Dynamite Doll" Bronwyne Billington on Twitter @Dynamitedoll84 on Facebook and for wrestling fans here in Canada, more specifically the Calgary, Alberta area you can see Bronwyne on February 22nd at Next Generation Wrestling's Debut. I want to personally thank the "Dynamite Doll" Bronwyne Billington for taking the time to speak with me here on *Kayfabe Kickout.

*Kayfabe Kickout (2012 - 2020) has since rebranded in July, 2020 and is now known as 'Pro Wrestling Slam!'

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