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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist


All of you who watched Raw this past Monday night witnessed a special moment in professional wrestling. You didn’t just witness CM Punk verbally go toe to toe with The Rock, but I feel that what you all witnessed was CM Punk earning his Master’s Degree in the school of pro wrestling. If anyone wants a reason for CM Punk having the longest title reign in the past 25 years, all they have to do is watch how powerful the promo was that he cut on Monday. As CM Punk himself said, he has shown that he isn’t only the best wrestler in the World, but he is also the best promo. What Punk did was got a lot of fans hip to what the folks who have been following him since IWC, IWA-Mid South, ROH, and OVW already knew, and that he has a way of connecting with the fans. That is whether you cheer him or boo him. Let’s be honest, the Royal Rumble Pay Per View sells itself as it is the event that sets up one of the main events for Wrestlemania. When CM Punk stepped into that ring last night with the Rock to talk shit and hype the match at Royal Rumble I am sure that some of the fence sitters out there decided right at the moment they were going to reach into their pockets and order this show after hearing those two. Someone said to me that wrestling is missing “promo flamed competitions”, but that same person wasn’t watching Raw on Monday. Better get to YouTube before WWE takes it down! It’s been a very long time since I was excited listening to two wrestlers verbally battle back and forth and this didn’t disappoint at all. I will be the first to say that I am a HUGE fan of the Rock. He is someone that when I was a teenager that I wanted to be like, I even spent a good amount of my Freshman year in college referring to myself in the 3rd person and pissing a lot of people off when I would cut them off and tell them “It Doesn’t Matter….”, but on Monday the Rock looked a lot like a guy who found himself lost trying to keep up with Punk. Unlike his verbal jab with John Cena where it sounded like two jocks having a dick showing contest over who sleeps with the most chicks, he had to deal with someone who wasn’t reading a scripted promo or relying on catchphrases. Rock was in a verbal battle with someone who dislikes and hates everything that he stands for. And while the Rock held his own, he also had to resort to the same old shtick, sophomoric humor, and worn out catchphrases that he always uses. What the hell is a “cookiepuss” exactly? CM Punk has shown that he is one of the best heels to come along in years. He got on that mic, and he ran down everything that was wrong with WWE speaking some very brutal and harsh truths about the product. His words almost made me feel like an idiot for even taking time out of my life to watch the product which we all know is totally lacking these days. This is what a good heel does, gives you a real response in a fake world! When my 6 year old daughter says to me that CM Punk is the Best in the World, I nearly begin to mark out as I remember being 6 and feeling the same way about Hulk Hogan. It’s cool to see my daughter know early how great someone like CM Punk really is. CM has been champion for over 400 days and counting, and if you want to know why then you have to look no further than his body of work over the past few years. He has seen his pushes start and stopped, had to play second fiddle to wrestling’s status quo while being the champion, and still he has rolled on and proven all of those wrong who said that he would never make it, those people who felt that he would never make it past OVW, and whoever those idiots were who felt that he should have been released. It’s always been said that true talent rises despite the system, and no one has proven than more than Mr. Phil Brooks aka CM Punk. Lighters up, wrestling fans! As always, I accept all forms of feedback whether by email at or you can follow me on twitter @whosantcox. I promise that I will reply to all emails and tweets. Until next time, God Bless.

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