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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist

Keeping It Fresh

One of the things that I would like to give WWE props for is the fact that they are actually starting to push some fresh faces on television. I am really digging what they have done with both "The Shield" and Big E. Langston. Sometimes, the issue with having a fresh run, weekly, episodic TV show is the fact that some wrestlers and feuds begin to grow quite stale after a while. How many times do we have to see Big Show vs Sheamus or how many times is CM Punk gonna wrestle Ryback with the same predictable results despite the fact that I feel Ryback himself is something new and fresh? And how many times are we going to have to watch a main event where John Cena hogs all the spotlight? Just like with any episodic show, you have to keep things fresh and unpredictable. Let me start off with "The Shield". I am really liking these guys, Dean Ambrose cuts excellent promos, Seth Rollins has great in-ring ability that all of us who followed him in his Ring of Honor days already knew about, and then there is Roman Reigns who may be a bit green, but I like the guy; plus he looks like he can kick your ass! Pro wrestling isn't all about who has the best skills but who can illicit the most response from the crowd and from the people at home. Their performance at TLC against Ryback and Team Hell No was excellent to the point that I forgot this was their first match on WWE television not counting NXT. As a stable "The Shield" isn't out there to do another "take over" which has been done so many times before, they say they are a shield of justice. The big question is going to be "Who are they protecting?" Are they protecting Punk? If so, they are going the same route the NWA took back in the 80's when Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, and Ole Anderson protected Ric Flair and made sure he remained champion as the members of "The 4 Horsemen". And that is a good thing because they can take dominate the way a stable is supposed to dominate, by having all the members hold titles, like the Horseman did "We have all the belts! We're you're champions!" Then we have Big E. Langston, who is still kind of raw. While he may be raw talent, the point is that for the last week or so he has made John Cena look like a grease spot on the mat while being something of a hired muscle for Dolph Zigger & AJ Lee (who has quickly become to the star of the show). Now that you have him coming in and beating up John Cena, I feel that the only way to go here is to have him actually beat Cena in a one on one match-up. Now I know a lot of little kids and women aren't gonna like me saying this, but so what! He has to win because if Cena beats him the first time out, then he becomes nothing but another guy on the roster. The other question is if Langston will eventually decide to turn on Ziggler since that MITB briefcase (or World Title if he cashes in) could be enough to turn allies into foes. I'm truly interested in how WWE uses Langston from here on out. The most important thing they can do with these new talents is not fuck the whole thing up. We have seen WWE creative botch it before with the Nexus story-line where they had fresh talent get beat by Super Cena and friends in the first match! We saw Ryback lose to Punk in some convoluted finish involving a crooked referee, and we have seen WWE take their top champion and seemingly have him play 2nd fiddle to Cena when it came to main eventing. You just have the feeling that somehow WWE creative is going to screw this up. The questions are "when?" and "how?" We also have to look at the fact that WWE is about to have their parade of part timers back soon with the "Road to Wrestlemania" commencing in January and have to hope that fresh talent won't take a backseat to the "real stars". But that's another story for another article! If you would like to give me any feedback, as always you can email me at or you can follow me on Twitter @whosantcox. I hope that everyone enjoys their holidays with their families. Happy Christmahanakwanzaka to you!

One of the things that I would like to give WWE props for is the fact that they are actually starting to push some fresh faces on television. I am really digging what they have done with both "The Shield" and Big E. Langston. Sometimes, the issue with having a fresh run, weekly, episodic TV show is the fact that some wrestlers and feuds begin to grow quite stale after a while. How many times do we have to see Big Show vs Sheamus or how many times is CM Punk gonna wrestle Ryback with the same predictable results despite the fact that I feel Ryback himself is something new and fresh? And how many times are we going to have to watch a main event where John Cena hogs all the spotlight? Just like with any episodic show, you have to keep things fresh and unpredictable. Let me start off with "The Shield". I am really liking these guys, Dean Ambrose cuts excellent promos, Seth Rollins has great in-ring ability that all of us who followed him in his Ring of Honor days already knew about, and then there is Roman Reigns who may be a bit green, but I like the guy; plus he looks like he can kick your ass! Pro wrestling isn't all about who has the best skills but who can illicit the most response from the crowd and from the people at home. Their performance at TLC against Ryback and Team Hell No was excellent to the point that I forgot this was their first match on WWE television not counting NXT. As a stable "The Shield" isn't out there to do another "take over" which has been done so many times before, they say they are a shield of justice. The big question is going to be "Who are they protecting?" Are they protecting Punk? If so, they are going the same route the NWA took back in the 80's when Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, and Ole Anderson protected Ric Flair and made sure he remained champion as the members of "The 4 Horsemen". And that is a good thing because they can take dominate the way a stable is supposed to dominate, by having all the members hold titles, like the Horseman did "We have all the belts! We're you're champions!" Then we have Big E. Langston, who is still kind of raw. While he may be raw talent, the point is that for the last week or so he has made John Cena look like a grease spot on the mat while being something of a hired muscle for Dolph Zigger & AJ Lee (who has quickly become to the star of the show). Now that you have him coming in and beating up John Cena, I feel that the only way to go here is to have him actually beat Cena in a one on one match-up. Now I know a lot of little kids and women aren't gonna like me saying this, but so what! He has to win because if Cena beats him the first time out, then he becomes nothing but another guy on the roster. The other question is if Langston will eventually decide to turn on Ziggler since that MITB briefcase (or World Title if he cashes in) could be enough to turn allies into foes. I'm truly interested in how WWE uses Langston from here on out. The most important thing they can do with these new talents is not fuck the whole thing up. We have seen WWE creative botch it before with the Nexus storyline where they had fresh talent get beat by Super Cena and friends in the first match! We saw Ryback lose to Punk in some convoluted finish involving a crooked referee, and we have seen WWE take their top champion and seemingly have him play 2nd fiddle to Cena when it came to main eventing. You just have the feeling that somehow WWE creative is going to screw this up. The questions are "when?" and "how?" We also have to look at the fact that WWE is about to have their parade of part timers back soon with the "Road to Wrestlemania" commencing in January and have to hope that fresh talent won't take a backseat to the "real stars". But that's another story for another article! If you would like to give me any feedback, as always you can email me at or you can follow me on Twitter @whosantcox. I hope that everyone enjoys their holidays with their familes. Happy Christmahanakwanzaka to you!

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