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  • By Anthony Cox, Kayfabe Kickout Senior Columnist

All Aboard the Ryback Train...

Updated: Aug 12, 2020


Before I get started here as guest writer, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am from Pittsburgh, PA home of great champions such as Bruno Sammartino, Larry Zybysko, and Kurt Angle. Wrestling has been a passion of mine since I was 4 years old, and I stared at the TV seeing Hulk Hogan slam Andre the Giant at WrestleMania 3. And with a whole closet full of books, magazines, DVDs, and other wrestling memorabilia you could say that I am obsessed but I prefer the term "dedicated". In the wrestling world, I would say that I have an opinion on everything, so I won't leave you hanging with my first writing for this site. As Raw closed this past Monday, once again we saw as the WWE Champion, CM Punk was once again mauled by the unstoppable force known as Ryback. And this Sunday at Hell In a Cell, Ryback will get a chance to end the lengthy title run that Punk has enjoyed. Now some of the folks out here may not be ready to hop on the train yet, but I feel it may be time to grab your ticket. A few months ago, Ryback was getting rained with "Goldberg" chants while squashing local jobbers on Raw and SmackDown, but slowly those chants went away as we slowly heard the "Feed Me More" chants get louder and louder. I truly feel that if creative is going to thrust Ryback into the main event against CM Punk, then they should go all the way with it. If you have Ryback lose, it kills the moment and the mystique that he has going. After all, the greatest thing about a winning streak is seeing how long it would truly go. If Ryback were to lose where do you go from there? WWE Creative may not have the foresight to even know what to do next.; but if Ryback wins, he has to keep going as a dominant champion. The match this Sunday doesn't need a silly and convoluted finish. Making Ryback the champ will definitely shuffle things up a whole bunch, and it would only be for the better. What if we can "Ryback vs Cena" or dare i say it, "Ryback vs The Rock"? I think that the possibilities are endless here. Could we see Ryback as champion doing Golden Corral commercials? I think it would be only fitting. Before I go, I want to thank the folks here a Kayfabe Kickout for letting get the chance to share my thoughts on wrestling. If you want to give any thoughts or feedback, you can hit me up by email at or you can follow me on Twitter @whosantcox.

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